watch what trends are happening at major trade shows and through color and style choices from top designers and retail store. listen to what clients are hoping to accomplish.


combine years of knowledge and industry connections, supplier capabilities and industry libraries and i am fueled with endless solutions to the design project at hand


explore... work... put time into understanding all that needs to happen to make the best end product/marketing direction.

ALways keeping budget and client needs in mind



My name is Julie and I am one of those right brain/left brain entrepreneurial types. Welcome to my site, where I share design, what inspires me, how I innovate products and solve problems.

I grew up in Vermont before attending Boston University on a Track and Field scholarship to get my degree in Graphic Design. Very soon after graduating, I opened up Campbell Design and was the designer for some outstanding Vermont Companies like Vermont Marble, Cabot Creamery, Woody Jackson (the Ben & Jerry's cow guy) and most of the major ski areas. In 1995 I founded Wallies Wallpaper Cutouts, a company that transformed the way you look at wallpaper. It was a classic American dream story... Single mom invents product, opens a small manufacturing plant and begins selling product world wide. An incredibly hard, but completely thrilling ride! I eventually sold the company and stayed on as General Manager/Creative Director, maintaining our satellite creative division in Vermont while raising my kids. 

I have two exceptional boys who are creative dynamos in their own right. I now live in New York, NY and consult with terrific companies who use my all-over-the-place talents to create new products, get them to market and ultimately grow their businesses. Over the past 25 years, I have made valuable connections with many suppliers, retailers, manufactures and artistic talent in the home dec, toy, food and design arenas. I'm ready to collaborate with like minded businesses and make more great products.  

Let's work together. I would love to hear from you.
